Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

When was the last time you saw your dentist for a general dental checkup? Six months? A year? Two years? Longer? As a rule of thumb, you should be seeing your dentist every six months for a checkup.

If you regularly maintain your teeth, your dentist may ask to see you once a year. However, if you have experienced dental issues, you may need to see your dentist as often as every three to four months.

Whatever the frequency of your checkups, one thing’s for sure: there are several reasons why you should get them. Read on to learn about the benefits of regular dental checkups.

Early Detection of Any Problems

Even though a general dental checkup can be nerve-wracking for some people, it’s incredibly important. It’s your best defence against any serious oral health problems, including oral cancer. What’s more, the earlier you see your dentist, the sooner you can take care of any issues before they become more serious.

Plaques and Tartar Removal

The best way to take care of tartar and plaques is with a scale and polish. A dentist must carry out this service. You can also do your part in its prevention by remembering to brush and floss regularly.
