To promote your medical centre, it is possible that you are using digital marketing for the simple reason that many of your potential clients can be found online. As part of that social media marketing campaign, the expert digital marketers at highly recommend that you include social media, and, as you may know, Facebook is the largest of all social media websites.

In order to take advantage of that, there are several ways in which you can market your medical centre on Facebook, and by doing so, you will not only increase the number of people who become your clients but, as it is Facebook,  they may actually promote you to their friends and family.

To start your digital marketing on Facebook, the first thing you need to create is your medical centre’s Facebook page. Your Facebook page is where your followers know where to come when they are looking to see your latest posts, and it is also where you would send anyone who has yet to become one of your page’s followers.

On your Facebook page, you can include details of your business, but more importantly, you want to use it to engage with your followers and to build a rapport and a relationship with them. The content you post obviously needs to relate to your page, but in terms of what form it takes, the more varied it is the better. This means you can include text, images, audio, and video. For the subject matter, as a medical centre, you have plenty of options.

You can include advice, hits, tips, news, and even some humour when appropriate. The key here is that it engages with your followers. You also want to make sure that you post regularly, and if possible every day, and even several times a day, if resources allow. This keeps your followers coming back time and again as they know there is likely to be a new post for them.

The occasional promotional post is also acceptable, as long as you do not make the same mistake as many businesses on Facebook and overdo it.  If you lean towards having more promotional posts than ones that engage, educate, and entertain, your followers will start to unfollow and soon your page will be less than effective.

If you want to take your digital marketing to another level on Facebook then you might wish to consider Facebook Ads, which is their paid advertising platform. Facebook Ads has many advantages over many other forms of paid online advertising, but there is one in particular which beats them all.

What we are talking about is Facebook’s database of its users, and in particular, the data they have on people’s likes, dislikes, and demographics. You can utilise that database when it comes to advertising on Facebook as you can target specific groups of people based on specific criteria.

The simplest would be their geographical location and so, rather than paying for your advertising to be seen by people who would need to take three flights and a taxi to reach your location, you can advertise only to people who live within a certain radius close to your medical centre’s location.

That is just the start of your targeting because, beyond where people live, you can also target based on age, gender, occupation, and many other demographics. There are also groups that relate to specific ailments and illnesses and so if you are focussing on any of these in your medical centre your ad could target them.